Many people have a difficult time taking care of their parents in their old age. It is the natural progression of life, but it can be hard to let go and watch them become more dependent on you. Here are some quotes about taking care of your old parents from famous people about taking care of your elderly parents.
If you are a caregiver for your parents or elderly loved ones, take comfort in knowing that many people have been where you are now. It doesn’t matter if you’re taking care of one parent or both, there is value and wisdom to be found from the following quotes about taking care of your parents.
Quotes About Taking Care of Your Parents

“The most important job anyone has is taking care of their parents.” – Dave Thomas
“A son or daughter who does not take responsibility for his or her aging parent has denied the natural order of things and violated an ancient law.” – Maimonides
“There are four kinds of people in the world: People who have been caregivers, people who are caregivers now, people who will become caregivers in the future, and people who are going to need a caregiver.”
“Taking care of your parents doesn’t just mean being there for them when they need you to be there. It also means giving them a good life while they’re still young enough to enjoy it.” – Margaret Mead
“You become strong, courageous, and confident through every experience where you must stop, face your fears, and do the things that you believe that you can’t do.”
“Love your parents even though it’s difficult sometimes because as Nelson Mandela said, “No one gets very far unless he accomplishes his obligations and pays back in kind or in other ways what he has received from those before him.”–Yoko Ono.
“Experiencing deep love from someone gives you strength while loving another person deeply gives you courage.”
“One person caring for another is life’s greatest value.”
Take Care Of Your Parents In Their Old Age
“Laughter and good sleep are the best cures for anything.”
“When you care for someone else, you care for yourself too.”
“If you want other people to be happy, be compassionate. If you want to be happy yourself, continue to be compassionate.”
“No matter what you’ve done in your lifetime, if you can’t reflect on how you’ve given love and attention to your own family, what have you truly accomplished?”
“The power of intuition and empathic understanding when caring for another person will guard both you and them against harm.”
“The disease might hide the person underneath, but there’s still a person in there who needs your love and attention.” – Jamie Calandriello
“Kindness can transform a person’s darkest moment with a flash of light. You may never know how significant your caring is to the person you’re caring for. Choose to make a difference for someone else every day.”
“The day the roles reverse is foreign. It’s a clumsy dance of love and responsibility, not wanting to cross any lines of respect. It’s honoring this person who gave their life to you—not to mention literally giving you life—and taking their fragile body in your hands like a newborn, tending to their every need.” – Lisa Goich-Andreadis
Love Your Parents Quotes
“To provide care for the people who once cared for us is one of life’s greatest honors.”
“Worrying will not prevent tomorrow’s problems, it will only take away the joy of today.”
“Your smile is the bright light in your window that shows others that you care and share your kindness.”
“ Caregiving is about being a companion, not a superior. It doesn’t matter whether the person we’re caring for is experiencing cancer, dementia, the flu, or grief.”
“There will be days when you won’t have a song to sing. Sing anyway.”
“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the things which you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
“You can’t choose when or how you’re going to die. You only get to decide how you’ll live your life.”
“Caregiving is a constant learning experience.” – Vivian Frazier
Respect Your Parents Quotes
“A mountain is most easily surmounted by taking winding paths.”
“Your elderly parents may not be able to remember what you said to them, but they will never forget how it made them feel.”
“Some caregivers step into the role of caring for their elderly parents because they want to reciprocate the care they received as children.”
“People have two hands; one hand is for helping themselves in times of need, and the other is for helping those they love.”
“Sometimes asking for help is the only way to demonstrate true courage and self-reliance.”
“By loving you more, you love the person you are caring for more.” – Peggi Speers
“If you take good care of your parents, they will take good care of you.” – Unknown
“If you fight fire with fire, you may end up with nothing but ashes.”
Quotes About Caring For The Elderly
“Caregiving for sick, elderly parents, taking the chance to feel, and leaving an impact on the people you love most, brings happiness.”
“It doesn’t matter what the relationship is between the parent and the child, it will always be challenging because it is neither rational nor logical. You cannot deal with it directly or with reason alone. What I’ve said to many people is that we must always lead with our love for the people we care for.”
“As a caregiver, you must remind yourself daily that the only control you have is over the changes that you make in your life.”
“Caregiving often calls us to lean into love we didn’t know was possible.” – Tia Walker
“Don’t stop believing that only a few caring people can change the world because indeed, it is only a few people who ever have.”
“People often say that we take care of our parents in their old age. But the truth is, they take care of us. “- Dr. Thomas Sowell
“Caregivers draw other caregivers to themselves and thus live their lives in a loving community. They become energized with the caring of others and love life.”
“Caregiving sometimes smolders over time as the kindling of long-held, petty grievances into an incense of pure creativity and humor.”
Quotes About Taking Care Of Your Elderly Parents
“Be determined to deal with any challenge you encounter in life in a way that will make you grow.”
“I love you, and I get to love myself more too by loving you.”
“To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.” – Tia Walker
“Care for your parents with love and respect, for you will only understand their full value when you see their empty chair.”
“Compassion makes us pause, and for a moment we become better people.”
“To love a person truly is to see all of their magical qualities and to remind them of what makes them special when they’ve forgotten.”
“Your parents cared for you when you were young; care for them now that they are old.”
“Forgiveness is not an occasional act: it is an attitude.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
Taking Care Of Sick Parents Quotes
“Forgiveness is not an occasional act that we make toward others: it’s an attitude.”
“No matter your age, it will always be true that it is best to hold hands and stay in a group whenever you step out into the world.”
“Help support and care for the bodies of your elderly parents, because it’s the only body they have to live in.”
“Love intends only one thing: the well-being of the one who is loved. It leaves everything else to take care of itself. Love, therefore, is a reward in and of itself.”
“Embrace a caregiver perspective that looks forward to the years ahead with excitement rather than disenchantment.”
“Compassion invites you to relate with people differently because you no longer regard them as a drain on your energy.”
“The challenges of life are not intended to stop you in your tracks; they’re supposed to help you find out who you really are.”
“Remain patient and give all your respect to our beloved seniors; they have earned their dignity through their lifetimes.”
Poems About Taking Care Of Elderly Parents
“Caregiving for an elderly parent is an ongoing learning experience.”
“No matter how old a mother is she watches her middle-aged children for signs of improvement “-Minnie Maddern Fiske”.
“There will come a time when your loved one is gone, and you will find comfort in the fact that you were their caregiver.” – Karen Coetzer
“We may frequently underestimate the power of a gentle touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest caring act, but all of these gestures have the ability to change a life for the better.”
“Caregiving calls us to lean into love in ways we didn’t know was possible.”
“Caregiving leaves its mark on us. No matter what we do to prepare ourselves, the hole left behind looms large.” – Dale L. Baker
“In the heart of every caregiver is knowing that we are all connected. As I do for you, I do for me.” – Tia Walker
“To be a mindful caregiver, you must communicate intentionally and with compassion.”
Son Taking Care Of Mother Quotes
“Love your parents and be ready to care for them. Many adult children are so busy growing up that they forget that their parents are growing old at the same time.”
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life, it’s that the happiest and most satisfied people are those who have committed themselves to something more significant than only their own self-interest.”
“I know no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution.-Abraham Lincoln-.
“Where anxiety begins, faith ends. Where faith begins, anxiety ends.”
“If you are unable to change the outcome, you can still change your attitude.”
“Remember to be patient. Consider how you will want someone to treat you when you are old and the time has come for you to have a caregiver!”
“People don’t like getting older, but they do like changing.” – Tommy Wallach
“The closest thing to being cared for is to care for someone else.” – Carson McCullers
Take Care Of Your Parents Quotes
“As a caregiver, if you keep your problems a secret, other people will believe the worst and fail to see the beauty in the process.”
“An inconvenience is an adventure that’s been wrongly considered.”
“When you’re wrapped up in the 24/7 caregiving job, it’s easy to forget that the person you’re caring for is required to be more resourceful than you in many ways.”
“I believe that most caregivers find themselves in a situation that evolves naturally into caregiving by necessity and through love.”
“When you show yourself, love, you broaden the capacity to love the person you’re caring for more.”
“It isn’t as important how much you do as it is how much love you have in your heart when you are doing it.”
“A son or daughter who does not take responsibility for his or her aging parent has denied the natural order of things and violated an ancient law.” – Maimonides
“We all know in our hearts that caregiving is an expression of the fact that we’re all connected. What I do for you, I do for me.”
“I suggest that all of my friends and acquaintances discuss caregiving with their elderly parents and with family members while their parents remain healthy and clear-minded.”
“One person caring for another is a representation of what is most important in life.”
“Nurture your parents, for they are growing old.” – Confucius
“The most precious things you can give to your parents are time, love, and care.”
“Even though people who are experiencing dementia become unable to recount what has just happened to them, they still go through the present-tense experience—just without recall.”
“It isn’t the amount that you carry that wears you out, but rather the way that you carry the load.”
“Be with your parents, be close to them. It is the only opportunity you have of finding out that they are human.” – Unknown
“That fear-ridden, irreversible release lingers in the doorway but hesitates for reasons we don’t understand, leaving us to weep with a mixture of angst and gratitude all at the same time. It is finally ushered all the way in, to comfort and carry our loved ones to that Better Place. When the time finally comes, we can be enveloped in a warm cloak of long-awaited acceptance and peace that eases our own pain.” – Connie Kerbs
“The moods and actions of people with dementia are expressions of what they have experienced, whether they can still use language and recall, or not.” – Judy Cornish
“Caring about others is a heroic act by itself.”
“Relationships created out of obligation often fail to be as rewarding as those created out of love.”
“The most important job anyone has is taking care of their parents.” – Dave Thomas
“The greatest discovery I’ve ever made is that a man can change his life simply by changing his attitude.”
“Family is not only an important thing; it’s everything.”
“Compassion brings us to a stop, and for a moment we rise above ourselves.” – Mason Cooley
“Parents can only give their children two things: roots and wings. Roots to know where home is; wings to fly away and find a home of their own.” – Hodding Carter Jr.
“Don’t ever underestimate your problem or your ability to solve it.”
Parents are important. Ask them what they like and want. Do this for their happiness and peace of mind. You can do something to help them, like taking care of them if they get sick or need help with anything else.
It’s important to take care of people as they age. They have been there for you and now it is your turn to be there for them. We hope these Take Care Of Your Parents Quotes will encourage you in some way.
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