Car seats, or car restraints, are a must-have in any vehicle. Without them, it would be nearly impossible to transport children safely. So how do you ensure your child is safe and comfortable while traveling? Here’s everything you need to know about car seat laws in Wyoming and what you can do to protect your family.

- Wyoming Car Seat Laws
- Wyoming Car Seat Law for Infants
- Wyoming Child Passenger Safety Law Requirements
- Wyoming Rear-Facing Car Seat Law
- Wyoming Forward-Facing Car Seat Law
- Wyoming Booster Seat Law
- Requirements For Children To Use The Front Seat In Wyoming
- Taxi Car Seat Law In Wyoming
- Wyoming Car Seat Replacement Law After Accident
- Law On Leaving A Child In A Car In Wyoming
- Penalties For Violating Wyoming Car Seat Laws
- How Old Do You Have to Be to Sit in the Front Seat in Wyoming?
- Is It Illegal to Smoke In A Car With A Child In Wyoming?
- Car Seat Inspections Help In Wyoming
- Child Passenger Safety Related Videos Wyoming
- More Information And Resources On Car Seat Safety in Wyoming
- USA Child Passenger Safety Laws by State
Wyoming Car Seat Laws
According to section 31-5-1303 of the Wyoming child safety seat law,
“no person shall operate a passenger vehicle in this state unless each child who is a passenger in that vehicle and who has not reached his ninth birthday is properly secured in a child safety restraint system in a seat of the vehicle other than the front seat.”

Wyoming Car Seat Law for Infants
Infants and toddlers under the age of 12 months and weighing less than 20 pounds must ride rear-facing in a car seat (with a 5-point harness). The seat must be secured in the vehicle’s back seat.
Wyoming Child Passenger Safety Law Requirements
Wyoming law makes no mention of the age or weight restrictions for certain seats. All children under the age of eight must travel in a child safety restraint system. This system can be used in a rear-facing, forward-facing, or booster seat configuration, depending on your child’s weight and height. For additional guidance, consult the car seat manual or the NHTSA’s recommendations.
Wyoming Rear-Facing Car Seat Law
Wyoming requires children under the age of nine to be restrained in a child safety restraint system mounted in the back seat, but there are presently no laws governing when a child should be fastened in a rear-facing seat.
According to the AAP’s Best Practices, children should ride rear-facing for as long as practicable. Preferably for a period of at least two years or until the manufacturer’s weight and height criteria are met. Children are most protected when they are rear-facing.
Wyoming Forward-Facing Car Seat Law
Wyoming requires children under the age of nine to be restrained in a child safety restraint system mounted in the back seat, but there are presently no laws governing when a child should be fastened in a rear-facing seat.
When a kid outgrows their rear-facing seats, best practices require that they can graduate to forward-facing seats. This occurs most frequently between the ages of 2-4 years.
Wyoming Booster Seat Law
Wyoming has no booster seat laws, except that children must remain in a child restraint system until they reach the age of nine (in the back seat). Children should transfer to booster seats as they outgrow the constraints of the forward-facing seat.
Requirements For Children To Use The Front Seat In Wyoming
Wyoming law requires that all car seats be installed at the back of the vehicle. If there is no back seat, the car seat may be installed in the front seat provided the airbag is deactivated.
Taxi Car Seat Law In Wyoming
Wyoming law is unclear on whether cabs are covered by these laws. However, it is suggested that you bring one along and keep your child secure during the trip in a car. The driver, cannot prevent you from using a child protection system.
Wyoming Car Seat Replacement Law After Accident
There is no legislation governing the replacement of car seats. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, vehicle seats should be replaced following a moderate or severe accident. Car seats should also be replaced as they reach the end of their expiration date.
Law On Leaving A Child In A Car In Wyoming
There is no law prohibiting parents from leaving their children unsupervised in vehicles. We do not recommend leaving your child alone in a vehicle for an extended period of time.
There are many dangers that can happen if you leave your child unattended in a car. The most obvious danger is that your child will get into hot temperatures and be dehydrated. Another danger would be that there may be toxic substances left by other people in the car, such as gas or drugs.
Finally, it’s important to remember that your vehicle can become hot enough to cause severe burns on your child’s skin if left for long periods of time.
Penalties For Violating Wyoming Car Seat Laws
A first offense of the Wyoming Child Safety Restraint Act carries a fine of up to $50.00. The court may waive your fine if you show proof that you have purchased, leased, or otherwise obtained a child safety restraint system that meets the law’s standards. A second or subsequent infraction carries a $100.00 fine. You can be fined up to $50.00 for the first violation and up to $100.00 for the second and subsequent offenses if you fail to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
If you fail to require a passenger under the age of twelve to wear a safety belt, you may be fined up to $25.00. Children aged twelve to seventeen who do not use a seat belt may be cited and fined up to $10.00. When driving without a safety belt, your youngster may be cited and fined up to $25.00. A violation cannot be used to suspend your license, be recorded in the department’s records, or be used to raise your insurance rates.
How Old Do You Have to Be to Sit in the Front Seat in Wyoming?
If a back seat is available, the law requires that all child restraint devices be installed. The Wyoming Department of Highway Safety recommends that children ride in the rear seat until they are 13 years old. If you must ride in the front seat with a youngster, ensure sure the passenger-side airbag is switched off or disabled.
Is It Illegal to Smoke In A Car With A Child In Wyoming?
There is no law against smoking in a vehicle with child passengers. Smoking in a vehicle with a child is not recommended.
Smoking in a car with a child present can be hazardous to the health of both the child and the smoker.
The dangers include:
- Increased carbon monoxide levels may lead to death.
- The chemicals in cigarettes produce tar which is harmful to children’s lungs and bloodstream.
- Smoking can cause anemia, dehydration, or malnutrition if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Car Seat Inspections Help In Wyoming
- Campbell County Health Car Seat and Child Safety Seat Inspections
- Jackson Hole Fire Car Seat Check Ups
- Laramie County Fire District Car Seat Installation and Inspection
- Laramie Car Seat Inspection
- Rock Spring Child Passenger Safety Seat Program
- Spectrum Health Injury Prevention Program
- Wyoming Car Seat Check Locations
- Wyoming Injury Prevention Resource free car seat inspections
Child Passenger Safety Related Videos Wyoming
How to secure your car seat
Car Seat Safety (English)
Is it time to move from a booster to a seat belt?
Child Passenger Safety – 5 Step Test
More Information And Resources On Car Seat Safety in Wyoming
- American Automobile Association Car Seat Guide
- Bans on Smoking in Vehicles Carrying Children
- Booster Seat Guide
- CDC Child Passenger Safety
- IIHS Child Safety
- Indiana University School of Medicine Best Practice Recommendations
- Is it illegal to leave a child in the car?
- NHTSA Car Seat Recommendations
- Safe Kids Wyoming
USA Child Passenger Safety Laws by State
Click on your state on the map below to see your state’s car seat law